
41 thoughts on “Home”
  1. Thank you for mentioning that was Lee Tillman’s All These Things on KBRH AM, the Past Songs didn’t list it and I would have asked. such great music from a great station! I will make a pledge asap!

  2. good morning!
    what played at around 7:22am on the AM between misspelled Every bros and Diddley? it was a sweet girl group song about kissin and huggin but the pastsongsniffer missed it 🙁
    thank you!

  3. Just discovered your station on Radio Garden and added you to my favourites. Merry Christmas from Winchester, Ontario, Canada! All the best!

  4. Peter Soderbergh’s show is amazing…… he knows so much info about the recordings and it’s so refreshing to hear and learn.
    Keep these shows in the air!!!!

  5. Driving up to Shreveport this morning and leaving 90.3 on the radio on my errands before leaving town and then while taking the interstate out, the ‘love letters’ theme of these beautiful songs just sent me right along in the best way.

  6. Love All Blues Friday
    Living in the community of Bowmore, Isle of Islay in the Southern Hebrides off the West Coast of Scotland, got the sea at the bottom of the garden, a dram in my glass and your station on the radio as I do most days and every Friday.
    Just love the music, life is perfect

  7. Just wondering, why aren’t your social media accounts displayed or pointed out on the webpage here? Am I missing where they are?

  8. Worked in Plaquemine in 2020 and have listened to the Saturday lineup since moving home to Buffalo, NY ever since and very sorry to hear about the passing of Luther Kent. Great job Rob, Larry Garner, the other staff and the students for many hours of great listening

  9. I just found you on “Radio Garden” and am loving the Blues on my Saturday morning (your Friday night) from my home in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This LSU alumnus (Class of ‘75) is a new, dedicated fan!

  10. Listening in my workshop close to Cognac, South-West France. Graduated from LSU with PhD (Chem Eng) in 1987. Love hearing that Louie’s Cafe underwrites WBRH ( having played rugby with Jimmy many years ago).
    Great music & great memories !!
    Big shout out to Baton Rouge Rugby Football Club!!

  11. Is there a way to find the song name/artist, of the jazz instrumental that played yesterday at 11:00 am?

    1. Certainly…
      The Jazz Defenders’ “Top Down Tourism” played at 10:56AM followed by Chris Flory’s “Alexandria VA” at 11:01AM.
      Thanks for listening!

  12. Just years and years of entertainment. Many thoughts and feelings from the past. Rob Payer has brought so many remembrances from my last 59 years here that I cannot begin to list them. Thank you Rob and thank you WBRH for bringing back all those great times we had.


  13. Mo’ Good Stuff is such a wonderful mix on a Saturday. A wide range of emotions are evoked in the song lineup every week.
    Gimme Mo.

  14. I am 70 years old and I want to say that on the weekends my dial is set to your station from around 05:00 till 22:00. Your DJ’s play the very best and most relaxing music!

    1. These are students learning how to entertain a radio audience.
      They should be instructing other radio personalities.
      They have this down.

  15. I’ve been a listener for many years and still continue to boldly hear music that I’ ve never heard before!!

    Y’all are THE BEST!!

    Live long and prosper!!

    And they take donations too…GIVE IT UP FOR WBRH!!


  16. Love Luther’s House Party—and all of Saturday!! Keep the music coming!! Please play some John Cleary.

  17. Miss the AM station during the week and all blues Friday, any idea when it will be back on? Thanks! By the way love the Saturday program.

    1. Thank you for writing! The new AM transmitter will be installed in the next few weeks to fully restore the broadcast. In the meantime, we’re running at slightly less power to make the equipment happy and keep the music on the air. In case you’re having trouble catching the signal, we’re also streaming 24/7 on this page under the Listen Live link.

        put some anti-critter guards on this one please! no more lizards getting the blues!

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